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IWONE 2007
The IWONE 2007 conference (International Workshop on Natual Energies) was held at August 3rd - 5th, 2007 at Höör (50 km northeast of Malmö), Sweden.

General Information

IWONE 2007 Focus
List of presentations
List of abstracts
Practical Workshops

Conference proceedings

Submitted presentations/papers will be published in conference proceedings (together with the abstracts). The proceedings will be published in pdf format, downloadable from IET, and probably also in a small series in printed form. Papers / presentations / summaries of presentations that you wish to appear in the proceedings should be submitted by email.

Recommended formats: Latex, MS Word, ordinary text, Powerpoint. If you submit/present a paper in pdf format, you should also submit it in an editable format (such as one of the above). Latex/Tex and other submissions should be sent zipped if they contain more than one file.


Coffee cycloid in swirling flow
